
VIP Card


To show our gratitude for our customer who supported us , DreamzFashion are now implementing VIP card for our valued customer. If your purchase hit the next level VIP, please inform us to upgrade your card.


会员卡折扣详细内容如下 Detail as follow:


1)VIP05 ~ 凡在本店单张订单消费RM500以上 ,我们将赠送一张本店5%折扣会员卡一张,仅可在下一张订单开始使用,会员期限一年。


Total order of RM500 and above will be given a 5% discount VIP card , only applicable on next order onwards, expired in one year


2)VIP10 ~ 凡在本店单张订单消费RM1000以上 ,我们将赠送一张本店10%折扣会员卡一张,仅可在下一张订单开始使用,会员期限一年。

Total order of RM1000 and above will be given a 10% discount VIP card , only applicable on next order onwards, expired in one year


3)VIP15 ~ 凡在本店单张订单消费RM2000以上 ,我们将赠送一张本店15%折扣会员卡一张,仅可在下一张订单开始使用,会员期限一年。

Total order of RM2000 and above will be given a 15% discount VIP card , only applicable on next order onwards, expired in one year. 


4)VIP05 ~ 5%折扣会员卡也可通过支付RM50年费获得,可即刻开始使用,会员期限一年。

5% discount VIP card can also be applied through an annual fee of RM50, expired in one year


5)VIP10 ~ 10%折扣会员卡也可通过支付RM200年费获得,可即刻开始使用,会员期限一年。

10% discount VIP card can also be applied through an annual fee of RM200, expired in one year


6)VIP15 ~ 15%折扣会员卡也可通过支付RM800年费获得,可即刻开始使用,会员期限一年。

15% discount VIP card can also be applied through an annual fee of RM800, expired in one year.

Terms and Conditions 附带条规:
1)VIP card CAN NOT be used with any other promotion/discount. 会员卡不能和任何促销/折扣一起使用。
2)VIP card only discount on item and NOT applicable to postage  会员卡折扣不能用于邮费,只限商品。
3)Total amount of order mentioned above to get VIP card does not include postage 会员卡获得条件的单张消费不包括邮费。
4)Valid for 1 year only from date of issue 有效期为发卡日起一年。
5)VIP card are for self use only and shall be cancelled if found to share with others 会员卡不能与他人共享,若发现将直接取消。
6)Card lost should be report to us and replacement of RM10 applied 会员卡遗失必须通知我们,补发费用RM10。
7)DreamzFashion reserves the right to terminate/cancel any of the membership wihout prior notice 本公司保留在未事先通知的情况下中止会员的权利。
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