Dreamzfashion user/customer are treated as accept all of the below terms. Dreamzfashion reserve the rights to amend/add/remove any terms without prior notice.
If you do not accept/agree the terms, please stop using this site and do not make any purchase.
1) 本站所有价格均为批发价,请普通批发客户不要议价,多谢大家的配合。
All of the price stated here are wholesale price, normal customer please do not negotiate on price, thanks for co-operation.
2) 本站所有图片均为参考用途。实际物品与图片之间的色差,面料,配件的出入均不被列为品质问题且不接受退换。
All pictures are for reference only. Actual product may have difference on color, material, accessorries. And these are not treated as quality problem and refund/exchange is not accept in this case
3) 售后服务 After Sales
本站认可的质量问题为: Quality problem listed below:
破损、大面积脏污 如出现质量问题务必在3天内联系客服提供照片以此为依据,确定质量问题属实后给予调换同款,邮费双方各承担一半,因为批发的利润是相当之低,而每批产品肯定存在一定的瑕疵率,我们始终在尽力降低这个瑕疵率,当发生质量问题时,运费往往比产品的利润高出许多,我们每天发货量都非常的大,有时候发错型号的时候也会有,您可以发回来对换,我们所能承担的只是单程的运费,望您能够理解!
Damage, huge area of dirty area, wrong product - If quality problem occur please inform us within 3 days and with photo for verification. We will make exchanges/refund. Postage 50% will be bear by us. Wholesale products have a rate of small defect occurance, we are working hard to improve our quality and the postage normally is much more higher than our profit. Thus, we seeking your understanding.
以下情况不属于质量问题:Below are NOT quality problem
(a)线头、褶皱、色差 Thread, wrinkled, color difference
small defect that do not affect overall appearance, eg. inner/corner thread run away, linear problem, little spot
actual item and picture difference on button/corner/accessory etc
actual item and picture differ on feeling/material, please read description for actual material use
6.关于退换货的问题答 :代理出售的衣服,由于客人的原因需要换款或者退货,在我们有货的前提下,收货三天内可以更换,但每件需要加收RM10的手续费,来回运费买家自已承担,而且发回时记得用纸条注明要换什么款式什么码数,写明自已的地址,名字,电话,方便我们发过去。
4) 所有订单皆在本站确认收到货款后方才有效并进行处理,缺货通知也是在付款之后,一旦订单确认不再接受更改,退款。All order only will be processed after payment is received, out of stock notification is after payment and once order is confirmed and it is not changeable
5) 会员资料包括姓名,地址,电话均需确保其准确性与真实性,如因资料,地址错误而造成货物无法送达或遗失的情况本公司概不负责,一切额外费用由买方承担。
Member info have to be accurate and true, if mis-delivery occur due to error in information provided, Dreamzfashion will not take responsible and all extra charges have to be bear by member
6) 本站不接受来电询问,请使用,电邮,在线客服或sms询问至所提供的联络号码。sms与电邮将在24小时内提供答复。
We do not accept incoming call, please only use email/sms/whatsapp to contact us . We will reply within 24 hours